The final objective of this website’s is to provide a one-stop resource for concerned citizens who want to learn more about the shape of designer extinction.
Why? Because it’s time more concerned citizens made the move from half-hearted Environmentalism to full-on Gaianism. A Gaianist is one who not only discerns the shape of right relation with the living world, but attempts to embody that relation in one’s own day-to-day. Deep ecologists are Gaianists, so are members of the Extinction Rebellion. The CEOs of most large environmental organizations are not Gaianists – not if they believe going greem means swapping out from fuels for “clean energy” without at the same time clawing back on their own typically exorbitant lifestyles. That is Environmentalism, not Gaianism.
How? As with Charles Darwin and his barnacles, as with E.O. Wilson and his ants, as with David Suzuki and his fruit flies, so with Gaianism: one begins by loving and learning about some part of the living world, and then moves out from there. Deep-Snow Caribou shed illuminating light on the structure of our current social order. If only for this reason, they make a perfect entry point to apprenticeship. Hence this bibliography.
NOTE: This webpage is under construction. More to come. Stay tuned.
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